We encourage you to join the New Zealand Society of Endodontics. The Society was established to serve as a source of continuing education in the field of Endodontics for the society members and for the dental profession in general. It also supports research in the field of Endodontics and provides general information about root canal treatment and management of dental traumatic injuries to the New Zealand public.

Advantages of Joining the New Zealand Society of Endodontics

  • Get the latest on endodontics.
  • Read the New Zealand Endodontic Journal online.
  • Access to the Dental Trauma Guide
  • New Zealand Society of Endodontics members can also attend the Endodontic meetings of the International Federation of Endodontic Associations (IFEA) and other international Endodontic meetings at special rates.
  • The New Zealand Society of Endodontics supports endodontic education and research in New Zealand through funding Research - Grants to Graduate Endodontic students as well as to its general members.
  • Members rates for continued education courses
  • Access to exclusive webinars and resources